Film about Film: Obliteration of the Image
Film about Film: Obliteration of the Image, 2021-22
Video, textiles, photo, mixed media
Film about Film is about exposing the production of film for uncomfortable consumption. The goal was to push photographs as far as they can go until they are no longer photos anymore. The process was a slow, meditative deconstruction, escaping from the typical treatment of film as a precious object, overcoming the fear of ruining the original copy.
The film was deconstructed not only through physical mutilation but by making it into a hybrid of digital and analog photography. Repetitively converting it from digital file to analog object, back to a digital file again further pushing the photo to be re-defined.
Film about Film Videos
All four of these videos were made from one piece of collaged film. Each moving further and further away from the original object.
“GRADS Off The Sofa interviews Bill Younger and Madelyn Gowler”
Graffiti Art Programming
Published June 2022
(Starts at 1:55)
“Scotland Cook Curatorial Talk and Tour | INDETERMINATE LIMITS”
School of Art Gallery University of Manitoba
Published March 2023
(Starts at 19:28)
“Experiments in Cinema v18.4 Experiment 2
Basement Films
Albuquerque, NM
Online May 1-10 2023